A production and warehouse hall with office space and employee amenities with a total area of about 1,500 m2 will be built in the Pomeranian Province.
“Wesołowski” produces parts and subassemblies for machines used in agriculture, food industry and industry. The company is the main supplier of parts for machines used by the Dutch company Visser, for which we are currently constructing a production and storage hall.
The investment will be built in the Pomorskie Province, in Płaszewko, less than 10 km from Słupsk. Płaszewko is located in the investment area under the patronage of the Słupsk Special Economic Zone.
We have planned the hall on a rectangular plan. Our original design assumes the separation of specialized welding and assembly stations in the hall. In addition, a single-girder overhead crane with a load capacity of 3.2 tonnes will be installed in the hall.
The building visually blends in with the Visser company’s building on a neighbouring plot. Very similar buildings are planned to be a kind of a production complex and will emphasize the cooperation between both investors.