General construction with comprehensive branch building design of a warehouse hall with a social-office building with total area of 2300 m2 in Domaniew for Dutch company Agrarada.

General construction with comprehensive branch building design of a warehouse hall with a social-office building with total area of 2300 m2 in Domaniew for Dutch company Agrarada.
Second time for the company SCHELL INDUSTRIES POLAND Sp. z o.o., we will perform a design and construct a production hall with social-office part with an area of about 2.300 m2 in Rzepin.
Delivery of an alternative design and the construction of a production hall with a social-office part with total area of 4.750 m2 in Węgrow for Polish company.
For our investor operating in the pharmaceutical industry, the company HURTAP SA, for the second time we will perform comprehensive construction project in order to obtain a building permit and as a general contractor we will construct a warehouse with social – office part located in Łęczyca with a total area of about 3.200 m2
General construction with comprehensive branch building design of a production hall with a social-office part with total area of 3.300 m2. Investment will be located in Pulawy.
General construction with comprehensive branch building design of warehouse hall with total area of 4200 m2 and production hall with total area of 3650 m2.
Construction with complex branch building design and turn key building of sorting and storage for fruits with cold rooms and social-office building for Fruit Producers Group SAN-RAY
As part of our agreement with DKS, we will construct a warehouse facility, along with a staff and office building, in Kowale, having a total floor area of over 3.000 m2.
General construction with comprehensive branch building design of a warehouse hall with social-office part with a total area of 3.200 m2 in Łódź for Portuguese company FERLAS IMPORT EXPORT Sp. z o.o.
Enlargement of a 5,000 m2 production hall under the General Construction contract for WIEFFERINK POLSKA Sp. z o. o., a Dutch company, in the Wykroty Economic Zone.
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