The preparation of a full industrial building design and the comprehensive construction of a production and warehouse hall with an area of 7.217 m2 in Luków.

The preparation of a full industrial building design and the comprehensive construction of a production and warehouse hall with an area of 7.217 m2 in Luków.
Execution of the production hall with social-office space with construction design in Prochowice polish company Vivena-Natura Sp. z o.o., a manufacturer of fuels from renewable sources
General executing with exchange-building design of a warehouse and production hall in Lipniki Stare for MARDOM company, manufacturer of curtains pole and garden furniture
Our company will execute the general construction with comprehensive branch building design of a production hall located in Krzęcin for 2×3 S.A. company.
Our company will develop a construction design and will build a warehouse hall with the area of about 3.021 m2 in Kobylnica for the Transport-Forwarding Company INDEKA.
General execution with complex branch building design of a warehouse hall and social-office building with totoal area 3.600 m2 in Warsaw for polish IRMARK Sp. z o.o.
The execution of the construction building documentation and the building of a new commercial hall in Wólka Kosowska for investor EACC INVESTMENTS Sp. z o.o.
Execution of the steel hall with construction design of sheet metal and paint shop in Zduńska Wola for Polish company AVES Sp. z o.o., dealer of Toyota [18.01.2010]
General executing with complex branch building design of a warehouse-production hall and social-office space in Lublin for company BIOMAXIMA S.A. a manufacturer and distributor of in vitro diagnostic devices [09.12.2009]
General execution with complex branch building design of a production hall with social-office part in Poznan for companz MARVA INTERNATIONAL Sp. z o.o.
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