Execution of warehouse hall with construction design for the Polish company WITAMINA Sp. z o.o.,a group of producers of fruit and vegetables in Biały Rządowa.

Execution of warehouse hall with construction design for the Polish company WITAMINA Sp. z o.o.,a group of producers of fruit and vegetables in Biały Rządowa.
At 5th of June 2009 an official opening of the HG POLAND Sp. z o.o. production hall with social-office building took place. The total area of the building is 4.850 m2.
The executing of the construction design and the building of a new production hall with social-office space with total surface of 7.730 m2 for the Polish company HYDRO-NAVAL SP.J,
The executing of the construction building documentation and the building of a steel hall destinated for auto salon for the polish company CORNETTE in Sieradz [24.04.2009]
General executing with complex branch building design of a warehouse-production hall with social-office building with a total area 8.100 m2 in Industrial Zone in Łozienica
The execution of the construction design, a production hall with social-office building with a total area 3.900 m2 for the Polish company EUROCOLOR in Pyskowice.
Executing of the building design, warehuse and social- office building with total area 3.750 m2 for the Dutch company ADDIT Sp. z o.o. in Węgrów [05.03.2009]
Our company will provide a construction design and complex execution of a production-warehouse hall along with a social-office part with a total area of about 1.900 m2.
The executing of the construction design and the building of a new production hall with social-office space for the Polish company MARKOS Sp. z o.o., producer of technical boats [23.01.2009]
Execution of the production hall with exchange-building design in Słupsk for company AUTO-HAK Sp. j., with total area of 3.974 m2.
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